Monday, January 3, 2011

Lucas' 2010

We now move on to Lucas' 2010. He is quite the charmer and is eager to please people. He loves to organize things and loves collecting rollie pollies. Here's Lucas enjoying a pinata at Angela's birthday party in Portland, OR this past July. Oh yeah, did I mention that Lucas LOVES candy and can't get enough of it!
Here's Lucas in his element out digging in the dirt looking for rollie pollies.
Lucas started going to preschool at a local preschool that is done a block away from our home. Here he is on his first day. He really enjoys it and is learning a lot. He is our first kid that actually wants to try to read and learn letters and words.
Lucas then turned the big age 4 in December. He decided that he wanted to open his presents from his family early in the morning. I love Marcus peeking around the cereal box to see the camera.
Angela made Lucas' birthday cake with a bug theme. Lucas had 8 friends over for his all bug themed party. Angela created a few different games for the kids to all play that had to do with bugs. They decorated bug jars and then collected plastic bugs that had to be found out in our backyard. The kids all seemed to really have a fun time at his party.
Here's Lucas saying his part for the Primary Program before church. He practiced it well. His whole class said this part together. At the end of the video is Travis saying his individual part which he didn't get to do at church because Angela had to take him to the doctor for his ear infection instead of going to church because it was hurting him. Doesn't Lucas just look so sharp in his Sunday best?

1 comment:

vancar said...

Way to go, Lucas! You did a great job! Love you, Grandma Carla