Sunday, January 9, 2011

Angela's Birthday

Angela celebrated her 31st birthday during our July visit to her parent's house in Portland. We did a pinata and everyone had a good time.
Around September, Angela decided to start following a program called the Eat Clean Diet. She has been eating healthy foods basically every three hours and drinking lots of water. This diet is quite interesting since you are to eat a lot of food, but it's suppose to be healthy. She has actually enjoyed the healthy food tastes too, though it has been hard on occasion, like when Brian brings home Little Ceasers pizza for the 4 boys to eat. She has also stepped up her work out schedule at the gym as well. She lost 25 pounds in those three months time! She's fitting into smaller clothes these days and is happy about her accomplishments. If any of you wish to learn more about this Eat Clean thing, just contact Angela and she'd be more than happy to tell you all about it.

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