Sunday, January 9, 2011

Brian is currently serving in our ward (church) as the Priest's Quorum Advisor (a leader over boys ages 16-18). He has been going on campouts and having a good time with them in their activities. Below is a photo from a hike to Notch Lake up in the Uinta Mountains of Utah. During the hike they stopped to take photos at this cool lake pictured below that was very calm and had a cool mirror background.
During the summer Brian took the Aaronic Priesthood youth leaders up to Angela's family cabin for a leadership training retreat. It was a fun outing. Looks like a rough group of boys huh?Brian is also involved with the Acoustics Research Group at BYU. It is made up of like 5 professors and 30 students all working on acoustics related research. One week they went to visit Lavell Edwards Stadium to tour the audio systems in the stadium. At one point they got to visit the announcer's booth so Brian got his photo taken.
Brian debated for a while as to whether or not to post the video below. It's a video from a youth talent show for our church youth. Brian decided to show off his talent of walking on his hands in a creative way. He dressed with his clothes upsidedown and had a balloon between his legs as a fake head. The video is fairly self explanatory, enjoy. Brian knows that this is quite ridiculous but he did it for the pure enjoyment of the youth.


Mary said...

So glad to see that Brian isn't hiding his talent under a bushel. Looks like you have some good material to include in the YM's 2010 historical report. I'll see what I can do about making sure it's included!

Jenny said...

Glad to see that Brian can still do that!