Friday, April 9, 2010

Travis' Recent Amusing Conversations

Recently Travis has had some enjoyable conversations.

One of them happened the other night. He and Lucas were playing pirate. They were using our couch as their pirate ship. Travis exclaimed "I'm the captain!" Then Lucas chimed in and said "I'm the matey!" (I'm sure this was Travis' idea.) Then whenever Travis wanted Lucas to follow him he'd say "come on matey let's go get our treasure." Then ended up stacking up our couch quite high with various toys (their treasure). Above our couch hangs three frames, one of the LDS First Presidency, one depicting the second coming of Christ (surrounded by angels blowing trumpets, it's a standard LDS photo), and a nicely framed copy of The Living Christ (a gift from Brian's sister Stacy). Travis at one point was describing their pirate loot and patted the first two frames and said "and we've got the prophets, but I don't know their names, and we've got Jesus." Then after some thought he turned to Angela and asked "Mom, why are all the angels girls?" Here's the picture he was referring to.

Due to the Easter season we have been talking a lot to our boys about the resurrection of Jesus Christ. We talked about how after we die we will live again because Jesus made it possible when he was resurrected. We also have a photo family tree on our fridge with Travis at the bottom and then his parents and his grandparents and his great grandparents (each with their photos displayed). One morning Travis said to his mom "Mom, I put the heart magnet on Grandma Ellen's picture." Then later "Mom, when will we see Grandma again?" (Grandma Ellen, Brian's maternal grandmother, passed away last July and Travis did get to meet her a few months before she passed away and apparently still remembers her). Angela then said "after the resurrection we'll see her again." Travis then replied "Mom, when's the zerrection?" Angela, trying not to laugh too hard, said "It will happen after Jesus comes again." Travis then asked "Mom, when will Jesus come again?" Angela replied "I don't know Travis, nobody knows." Travis then countered "but Mom, God knows! Let's pray and ask God when Jesus is coming!"

It's so fun to see his wheels turning and hear him start to understand the gospel in some manner. He apparently isn't very quiet in his church classes and his teachers wonder if he listens to the lessons. Nor does he sing during singing time. We'll when he's home he tells us all about the lesson he had in great detail. Also when he's playing with his toys he'll start singing the Primary songs. So apparently he's listening intently!


Anonymous said...

Aww...cute. I had a similar experience with Moroni.
"I miss Grandpa, why is he dead?"
"It's okay honey, because of Jesus, we can all live together again after we die."
"I LOVE Jesus!"
"Me too, too."

Mary said...

Your boys are so lucky to have each other as "play mateys"! It's definitely fun to see the gears working in little children's minds. Travis is probably just so smart that he only needs to hear the lesson topic or song once to take it all in.

Pam Williams said...

I love watching children engaged in imaginative play. It grows and stretches the right side of the brain, and it teaches problem-solving skills. I once got a basket full of fabric remnants of various sizes, colors and textures for my grandkids and was amazed as the adventures they had in some fantasy world of their own creation. Before their visit was over, we even had a play production conceived and acted by the kids. It's a great memory.