Thursday, April 8, 2010

Happy Easter 2010

We had a family home evening on the Monday before Easter and talked about the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The boys drew pictures of Jesus at the Garden Tomb. We were impressed with Travis' drawing and his knowledge of this event that he learned in Primary. They drew on our new easel that we purchased from Ikea.
We did an Easter Egg Hunt Saturday morning before easter at a local high school. Here's Lucas looking for eggs.
We also did a hunt at our house and here's Lucas with his loot.
Here's Travis enjoying his loot.
The next morning, the Easter Bunny brought the boys some paint brush sets with a light up brush. They also got bags of sand for the sand box outside.
Marcus also got some soft balls to bite on.
We were fortunate to have Angela's father come that weekend to help his mother with her taxes. We took Jack with us minature golfing at a dark indoor course with black lights.
The boys really had fun with their grandpa.

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