Saturday, October 10, 2009

Enjoying the cabin

Our family has been visiting the cabin often the past few weekends. About a month ago, the leaves were still green as seen below in this shot of Lucas and Travis.
Here's one of the kids favorite things to do, hike down to the pond and throw rocks in. Lucas is in the foreground.
Brian started to fulfill a life long dream of building a tree house for his kids up at the cabin. He found a grouping of 8-10 trees and started framing the tree house floor.
Occasionally we see cool wildlife up there, like this family of wild turkeys.
A few weeks later we went back up and all the leaves had been turning red and orange. Here's Travis enjoying the swing set at the cabin.
Here's a shot of the cabin with it's relatively new roof and Lucas running out to the swing set.
Here's the tree house from a distance. We had to clear a pathway to get to the tree house. Brian put in many more floor boards and then put in some wooden panels to make it easy to walk on. Then he covered it up with a tarp to prepare for winter (the blue is the tarp, since this photo he's put more tarps down). He also built a ladder.
Here's a shot of the floor of the tree house from below.
Here's a shot of the nice views of the trees in the area.
A large tree had fallen down on the drive way, so Brian and the boys cleared it. It was hard work for sure! Here's the majority of the branches they cleared. There were actually two trunks about 10-12 inches in diameter that came down.
Here's Lucas climbing up into the tree house. Brian took the photo from up in the tree house, so obviously it can hold an adult.
Here's Lucas at the bottom of the ladder.
Angela then took the older boys for a walk and snapped some nice photos. Here's Lucas...
and Travis...
and then both of them...
then Lucas again.
And then just so we could prove he was there with us, here's Marcus just before loading the car up to go home.
On the way down, we saw three deer who watched us drive by.

1 comment:

Jenny said...

I remember that fun Pippin cabin and the beautiful leaves at this time of the year! Glad y'all get to enjoy it again being back in UT! As Annie would say, "Good Times"!!