Saturday, October 10, 2009

Labor Day Graff Reunion

Every year on Labor Day weekend (we're late posting this I know), the Pippin family gets together at the Pippin family cabin and also that weekend there's always a Graff family reunion (Angela's, mom's side of the family). They hold it at an elementary school in Orem. Here's a popular activity for the kids, it's a candy cannon. They fire off candy up in the air and the kids collect it when it falls to the ground.
Here's the scramble for the candy.
Another favorite, especially for Travis, is the rocket launcher. They launch paper rockets with foam tips at least 100 feet up in the air (perhaps 200 feet?). This year two could launch at the same time. Look at the photo to see the two lifting off (this was a very hard photo to time just right).
Here's a great photo of Grandma Graff holding baby Marcus with Angela.
Another tradition is the trailer ride behind a 4 wheeler. Travis likes this one as well. You can see Travis on the right waving.

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