Sunday, September 13, 2009

Marcus' Baby Blessing

On Sunday Sep. 6th, Brian blessed baby Marcus in our home. It was convienent to have much of Angela's family there that weekend for the Cabin reunion. Brian's sister Marci also came. Here's Grandma and Grandpa Pippin and baby Marcus waving hi.
Here's Mom, Dad, and Marcus.
We had 4 generations there for the blessing, Angela grandmother Helen (Pippin), Jack Pippin, Angela, and Marcus. Below is Helen and Jack with Marcus.
The boys are excited to have a little baby brother. Here's a couple photos of the three future wrestler opponents/trouble makers.
You can tell that Lucas really likes his little brother (it remains to be seen if the feeling is mutual).


The Blaisdell Family said...

Congrats on the blessing. You guys have 3 very handsome little boys!!

Anonymous said...

Matt says he has a name for your next kid...Spartacus!

Wendi said...

Your boys are all very handsome. They sure look like they love their baby brother!

meg.. said...

Marcus definitely looks like one of yours! Your family looks great.