Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Marcus Vance Anderson is Here!

We are pleased to announce the birth of our third son, Marcus Vance Anderson. Marcus was born at 11:30am on Wed. July 15, 2009. He weighed 7 lbs 6 oz. and was 19 inches long. He has some hair (more than his brothers) and it appears it's the same color as his brothers' hair. Mom and baby are doing great and there were no problems. Angela was induced. We went in at 6:30am and she had an epideral after starting the induction. She progressed really fast and then only pushed 4 times and Marcus was born. In other news (the subject of a future post) Brian's grandma passed away on Monday this week and her name was Margaret Ellen Peterson. So we thought it would be nice to use the name Marcus since it starts out the same as Margaret (we couldn't very well name him Margaret now could we?). Marcus also ends in an "s" as our other boys' names do. Vance is the name of Brian's father (Marcus' grandpa) and also the name of Angela's grandpa (Marcus' great grandpa). Travis and Lucas also have middle names that they share with Brian's two grandfathers. Here's a photo of Angela before going in to the hospital this morning.

Here's Marcus on the weight scale.
Mom and baby, a cute photo.
Marcus seemed to really enjoy his first bath.
After his bath he held very tightly to Dad's finger (notice the white coloring in his finger tips from him pinching so hard).
Here's Grandma Pippin with Marcus. Grandma came to stay with us and has been a major help with our older boys and with Angela. Thank you Grandma for coming.
Here's a family photo of the five of us. Travis wasn't so excited to have his photo taken.
Brian's sisters (from L to R, Lisa and Marci) also came to visit Angela and Marcus in the hospital. Lisa's family came from Texas to visit us and other family for a week. Lisa's baby boy Britton is just two months old so it was our first time seeing him.


Raechal said...

congrats you guys!!! nothings better than a brand new healthy baby!! enjoy!

Erin said...

Congrats! He's a cutie.

Lori said...

Congratulations! What a sweet baby! I'm glad you're all doing well!

RP said...

Congratulations! You all look great! We're so happy for you!

Wendi said...

Congratulations!!! Another handsome boy!

Wendy said...

We are happy for you and your family! Hooray!

Mary said...

Talk about a smooth labor! So glad he's here and you're all doing well.

What hospital were you at? I went to UVRMC today to visit another friend who had a baby on the 15th, and it didn't dawn on me until I was back home that maybe I could have visited you too. Are you going to send an announcement that I can forward to the RS?

Congrats to your growing family!

The Blaisdell Family said...

Congrats you guys! Glad everything went well. LOVE the name. I only know one other Marcus, it's one of those good names that isn't over used :) He's a cutie! Hope everything continues to go well with all the adjusting a new little one brings. Kiss little Marcus for us!

The Blaisdell Family said...

Oh, I was also going to say...You look awesome for just having a baby Angela! You look very pretty!

meg.. said...

Congratulations! Another cute little Anderson boy, and you look great Angela!