Monday, July 20, 2009

Hike up the Y

The day after Marcus was born, Brian, Travis, and Lucas went for a hike up to the Y with Brian's sister Lisa's family (who were visiting from Texas). We left a little late in the morning so it was fairly hot. We did have enough water and the kids were troopers. Travis nearly did the entire hike on his own, but Dad carried him a bit. Lucas was mostly carried by Dad but did some walking. We found 3 geocaches along the way up. Those caches were motivating for Travis to keep walking (he found a first aid kit in one that he really liked and traded for it). Along the way up the trail, Sterling saw this rattlesnake on the path who rattled at us (we kept our distance and were quite spooked by it).
We finally made it up. It looked like a field of snow. Here's the boys enjoying the rest on the Y.
Here's part of the view we had.
And here's an attempt by Brian to stitch a few photos together to get a better idea of the view we had. You should click on the photo to see the larger version.

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