Friday, July 3, 2009

A Bowl of Cherries

We went to visit Angela's grandparents in Orem this evening. They have a fruit orchard and we had the chance to pick cherries tonight. So Brian and the boys went out and filled up a bucket full of them. Lucas would eat cherries all day if we'd let him. Here's Lucas with our big bowl of cherries.


Abbie Nelson said...

So cute! I pray that you have the baby as soon as possible, you must be ready to be done!

Julia said...

Oh my goodness! I had to do a double take of this picture of Lucas! I thought it was Travis at first! Do you guys still have the same cell number? I left a message a little while ago...sorry it took me a long time to call you back! Anyway, I think I've got your home phone and I will give it a try! I need to wish you a happy b-day and hopefully I can wish your new arrival a happy b-day soon too!! :-)