Sunday, June 28, 2009

Travis goes to Kindergarten

Travis started his first official preschool this past Monday. He did do some informal preschool where a group of moms rotated who had the kids at their house and did simple lessons. Anyway, Travis is going to BYU with Brian, Mondays thru Thursdays from 8:45-10:45. Travis had a really good chance of getting in to the BYU preschool since Brian works there. Here's Travis on his first day of school in front of the Joseph F. Smith Building where he goes to preschool. He was pretty excited.
After bringing Travis into his classroom, he jumped right in and wasn't worried at all that Dad was leaving him. It was a bit of a tough moment for Brian, but he made it through fine. They have a one way mirror so parents and other BYU staff can observe the students in their classroom. Here's a photo of the inside. Travis' head is slightly in view near the bottom middle of the screen.
Here's another photo of the classroom from a different angle.
Here's Travis playing blocks as the rest of his classmates were coming in. Travis was right at home and immediately started up a conversation with one of the teacher's assistants in the area.
Brian came back to pick up Travis and peeked in on the class one last time. They were getting story time from their teacher, Ms. Dorie. Ms. Dorie is actually our neighbor and is in our ward. She's great and Travis likes her. Travis seemes to make friends just fine and was talking to his neighbor to the right in this photo on a few occasions.
The J.F.S.B. is a fairly new building on campus. In case you haven't seen it yet, here's a photo of the front of it (the preschool is on the back).
The building also has a large courtyard in the middle of it with trees and fountains and study areas.

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