Friday, October 31, 2008

A Thomas the Tank Engine (Train) Halloween

Our boys love their Thomas trains and so we decided to do Thomas themed costumes for Halloween this year. Lucas was a train engineer, Travis was Thomas, and Dad was Sir Topham Hatt. We did a Trunk or Treat at the church on the 30th (which included a chili cook off). Angela's chili won an award for the 2nd straight year for the sweetest chili (It's really good)! Today we did trick or treating at the local hospital and then downtown at the local stores. Here's Lucas at the hospital. He enjoyed it but I think he was a bit tired in this photo.
All the shops downtown hand out candy and there's lots of people around. Here Travis and Lucas in a wagon at the local hardware store with Dad behind them.
Inside the hardware store they had a wheel barrow full of candy.
Here's Mom and the boys.
They close off the main street in town for the festivities. Here's what it looks like.
Travis liked to pull off Dad's hat and put it on his own head.
Here are the boys in good spirits on the way home from downtown trick or treating.
Here's our pumpkins that we grew in our garden this year (the weird one is a spaceship). Also pictured is the dinner that Angela made for us. She made mummys (hotdogs wrapped in crescent rolls with ketchup eyes), spiders (strawberries with French fries for legs), and a ghost pie (chocolate pudding pie filling on an oreo cookie crust with a whipped cream ghost). It was a yummy dinner.

We probably had about 10 trick or treaters come by our house. Our apartment isn't exactly on the way to other houses and our neighbors didn't have their lights on so we probably got less than average for our town. We handed out Twix.

Also at the Trunk or Treat party last night, Brian decorated the car to be a dragon. He cut out circles for eyes which he taped to the rear windshield, made teeth out of paper to line the trunk and the bottom (so when the trunk opens it looks like a mouth), and had a long red sheet of bubble packing paper for the tongue. He then filled the trunk with packaging peanuts and tossed in the candy. The kids then had to look through all the peanuts to find the candy in the dragon's mouth. The kids enjoyed it. Unfortunately we didn't get a photo of it since we had dead batteries in our camera.

1 comment:

Julia said...

So after lunch today I had to look and see your halloween posts! I love all your pictures from downtown! I wish that I'd thought to take a picture down the street like that! I didn't take any while we were out! Anyway, you guys look great and I'm sad that I missed your dragon car! It sounds awesome! Next year I will have to trade off with Alex so I can walk around and see the other cars!