Sunday, October 26, 2008

Travis' First Sacrament Meeting Primary Program

Today Travis took part in his first Primary Sacrament Meeting Program. Here he is all dressed up before church. This isn't exactly typical attire for him. Sometimes we get him to wear a tie but it doesn't usually last very long.
Travis had a part to say into the microphone during the program. He was the second Sunbeam to say something and the first kid was very calm and nothing eventful happened. Then Travis got up and grabbed the mic and put his mouth right up next to it and loudly said the first couple words he was suppose to say and then finished the rest just fine. I noticed that it seemed the entire congregation jumped back a bit when they heard him say those first couple words so loudly. It was a good laugh. Here is Travis before church saying his part.


Erin said...

Fun! Jahnna was in hers yesterday she was the only kid who waved to her parents very enthusiastically before every song. We got a kick out of it.

vancar said...

Travis, you look so good----so handsome in your Sunday clothes!!! Wow! You blow me away! I love you, Grandma Carla

Marcie said...

Travis is so handsome! I bet he did a great job singing. It's great to hear your voice in the video. I love your blog. Your family is so cute! Congrats on the BYU offer! That's awesome! Love, Marcie