Sunday, April 6, 2014

Gilbert Arizona Temple Open House

We decided that we couldn't pass up the opportunity to take our kids inside the new Gilbert Arizona LDS Temple before it got dedicated.  It was an event open to the public and they had about 500,000 people go through it during the open house.  We drove over there for the President's Day weekend and stayed with Brian's sister Stacy's family.  Here's the boys at the water falls of the temple.
 And here's a family photo.  We also happened to attend the same exact time as some good friends of ours from Los Alamos which was pretty neat.

 And here's the two love birds as their kids call them.

 We also were fortunate to have the chance to swim in Stacy's pool, outdoors in Feb.  Thanks for warming it up a bit!!  Lot's of fun.  Here's a collection of photos of Marcus jumping in.

It's funny to observe the quality time the cousins share with each other.  Here's Travis, Wesley, and Audrey.

We also reintroduced the Blair kids to the bag game, which was originally introduced to the Andersons by the Blair family.  This was the point in the game where everybody is just trying to pick up a piece of paper off of the floor.  I think Audrey, Wesley, and Brian all got it off the floor (with a bit of a unavoidable licking of the carpet).

After we got home Brian and Lucas spent some time one Sunday afternoon constructing a temple out of legos.

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