Saturday, February 8, 2014

Thanksgiving in Denver

 We drove up to Denver for Thanksgiving to visit Angela's sister's family and her brother's family who live in the area.  We enjoyed some time at Bass Pro Shop.  Here's Marcus-Crockett.
 The Hoerler and Anderson kids enjoyed one of the store's display tents.

We also went to the Denver zoo.  Marcus wasn't so sure about being near these bears.

Here's the Pippin, Hoerler, and Anderson kids climbing on the hippo statue.  Quite the clan, the 12 of them.

Here's Abby, Lucas, Chris, and Travis at the giraffe exhibit.

We then went back to the Bass Pro Shop to see Santa.  Marcus was a bit scared of Santa but faced his fears knowing it meant that Santa would know what he wanted for Christmas.

The kids had a good time at the Hoerler's home.  Here's Chris, Lucas, Marcus, Eric, Amanda, and Travis with Abby barely visible in the background.

On the way home we got to see one of our favorite sights just South of Taos.

We enjoyed the monkeying around at the zoo as seen in this video.

And here's the kids telling Santa what they wanted for Christmas.

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