Monday, February 24, 2014

10 Years of Geocaching!

It was  Dec. 26, 2003 when we found our first geocache (  Brian's brother in law introduced it to us and we've been hooked ever since.  Our kids have grown up geocaching and still enjoy it every time.  We're now up to 429 geocache finds.  Please ask us about geocaching if you want to learn more about it and as a result have more reasons to get outdoors for walks and hikes.  Below is a plot Brian made of the history of how many caches we have found over time for the past 10 years.

Here's a map of the U.S. with all of our finds.  These dots representing where we have found geocaches also gives you an idea of places we've lived, places we've gone on vacation, and places where Brian has traveled for work.

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