Sunday, November 10, 2013

Rafting and Abbiqu Lake Trip

We decided to spend a Saturday rafting down a river that flows into Abbiqu Lake that is about an hour's drive from our house.  Angela was going to drop us boys off at the start and drive down a ways to read a book while waiting for our arrival.  Brian and the boys got into the raft, wearing life jackets, and set off as you can see in the video.  Soon after the video ended and Angela drove away, Brian realized that this wasn't going to work out well since the river wasn't deep enough.  So they got out and had to walk back.  Well Angela couldn't see that this had happened and had no idea where they were.  Finally after a prayer was said, Angela found the boys where she had left them.  At least nobody got hurt.

We then decided to go swimming at Abbiqu Lake.  Here's Travis jumping in.

 Lucas and Travis swimming.

And here's Marcus clinging to a rock.

Travis again

It was nice to be able to sit on these rocks right at the lake level.

Angela got in and swam a ways with Travis and Lucas.

And here's some video of our swimming.

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