Sunday, November 10, 2013

Denver Trip for Cousin Ryan's Baptism

 Angela and the boys drove up to Denver to go see our cousin Ryan's baptism.  They got to see lots of Pippin family while they were there.  A bunch of them went to see the U.S. Mint in Denver.

Our boys enjoyed the mint since they love coins, especially Lucas who looks for coins everywhere.

Our kids got to go miniature  golfing with the Hoerler kids.  From L to R it's Travis, Christopher, Eric, Lucas, Marcus, Abby, and Amanda.

Then they spent some time with the Pippin kids and apparently enjoyed some tablet time together.

Here's Angela and our boys with Ryan.  A big day for him.

Here's most of the crew there for Ryan's baptism, including some of Mary's family.  Pretty neat that Ryan got to be baptized by his bishop (his dad).

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