Sunday, November 10, 2013

Annual Interviews, First Day of School, and Primary Program Parts

Borrowing an idea we leaned from our good friends, the Bakers, we have been doing video recorded annual interviews for the past three years.  Here's the 2013 edition highlights.  You'll notice that one of our children is not camera shy and is quite thorough in his answers.  The entire video clip of this was to long to upload here but is quite funny in its entirety.

Also as an annual tradition, Angela makes signs for each boy for the breakfast on the first day of school that she places in their glasses.  She makes a fancy breakfast and puts decorations all around the table.  Here's the boys holding their signs.

Now the silly picture with the signs.

We also recently did the ward's primary program.  Each of our boys had a part.  We recorded them saying their parts after it happened.  Marcus did much better in the real thing than in the video below.  We had to have him repeat it many times before we got one that was decent.  Angela was the pianist for the program and Brian was even asked to sit in for kid crowd control.

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