Monday, October 15, 2012

Abiquiu Lake Boating Trip

 We decided to drive up to Abiquiu Lake which is about an hours drive from our home to do some boating in Brian's inflatable raft.  It was a beautiful day, the lake was calm and the sun was out and it wasn't too hot or cold.  We didn't even have to pay anything to enjoy the lake.  Brian first took Travis out for a ride out to an island Travis wanted to go to.  Then Brian had Travis take a turn rowing (which went ok but they didn't move very fast).
Marcus and Lucas had fun while waiting their turn on the shore.  
The little ones were excited to get in the boat and row over to a cliff.  Marcus was a bit scary as he'd look over the side and we'd worry he would fall right in.
Here they are out away from the shore.
We were able to get a nice family photo there too.
Angela then took a turn in the boat.  She hadn't been in a boat since girl's camp.  It wasn't 2 minutes after she got in the boat when the wind just picked up and was blowing super hard.  She couldn't even paddle out cause the wind would blow her back in.  We got her out and within minutes after getting out the water was flowing over the rocks where we'd get into the boat.  These rocks were 1-2 feet from the calm surface of the lake so the waves were pretty significant.
After boating we drove around and enjoyed the beautiful scenery in the area.
Many painters come near here to take painting classes and paint in the same area where Georgia O'Keefe got her inspiration for many of her famous paintings.  We even saw a man out painting (to the right of the wagon, under the tree branch).
You could really spend a lot of time in this area just taking photos and enjoying the views.
This river was a river Brian had rafted down with some friends 4-5 years ago.  Another beautiful scene.
We then went to the Echo Amphitheater nearby where a natural rock formation has made an impressive area to hear your own echo.  Below is the video of an echo but here was one photo there.
Here's the inverted bowl shape that creates the nice echoes.
And there's on area around here that Brian always comments about how much it looks like the race track in Radiator Springs from the first Cars movie.
Do you see the resemblance?
Here's the video of the kids shouting to hear their echoes.  A fun place for an acoustics scientist for sure!

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