Monday, May 21, 2012

Fathers and Sons Campout (Mom's Night Off)

 So for Angela's Mother's Day present Brian gave her a day off.  All day Friday she was able to do whatever she wanted.  Another friend of hers also got the same gift so they enjoyed some shopping in Santa Fe.  It also happened to be the night for the Fathers and Sons Campout.  Angela ended up with over 24 hours off.  Somehow she didn't end up getting much sleep because Brian had rented season 1 of Downton Abbey for her to watch.  Anyway, here's Marcus enjoying his first camping experience.

 Here's a cute one of Marcus and Lucas.  Lucas was the boy all the kids wanted to follow.  He was collecting grasshoppers and all the kids wanted one from him.  Apparently none of the other kids could catch them so they would beg Lucas for one, which he was happy to share.  A natural leader that Lucas is.

Sometimes Brian wonders what the point of camping is anyway.  It doesn't result in comfortable sleeping and it's a lot of work.  I guess it's for the boys.  Here's little Marcus sleeping in until 7 am.

And here's Lucas who slept till 7:30.  They didn't get to sleep until about 10:30pm or later the night before so they were quite tired that day.

Marcus and Travis got to shoot arrows from a bow and arrow (Lucas didn't want to).  Here's Marcus pulling the string back and getting ready to shoot his first arrow.

Travis was really into archery and now wants his own bow and arrow set.

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