Sunday, November 6, 2011

Halloween 2011

This Halloween was quite fun. Our kids had lots of ideas of what they wanted to be, however it kept changing by the day. Finally a few days before Halloween we got each one to choose something. Travis decided on being a Lego man. So Brian made a costume for him. He made a box be more trapezoid shaped and then taped a bucket on the top of it. He cut out holes for the arms, head, and body in the box and cut out eyes and mouth holes. In photo below you can't see him well since he wasn't looking forward. Lucas wanted to be Thomas the Train and that was easy. Funny expression on his face below (click on the photo to see it bigger). Marcus was the only one consistently saying for a month that he wanted to be a robot. We don't know where he got that idea from. So Brian made a robot costume out of a box for him. Here they are at Grandma Graff's home (Angela's grandmother).
And here they are before setting out for the candy. Brian took them out and Angela stayed home to hand out the candy.
Here they are out on the candy trail. Travis ducked his head out of view. The face holes weren't perfect for him (as far as matching his height, etc.), but they weren't that bad. Marcus had fallen down face first in his robot costume at the second house of the night and from then on refused to wear it. So Angela came out to bring us a fireman coat for him to wear instead. You gotta love how Lucas is wearing his cap! Brian brought the wagon along to carry coats until they could put them on when it got cold. It was also handy to bring them home at the end. Brian had them out for 2 hours.

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