Sunday, September 11, 2011

Pippin Family Cabin Reunion

Another Pippin family reunion at the family cabin on Labor Day weekend. This time we spent the days up there but slept at home most nights (though Angela and the older boys slept in our tent outside one night, as Brian wasn't feeling great that weekend). Here's Brian, Travis, and Marcus on a three wheeler. Our boys sure love to ride on those.
One night we played pictionary with all the kids. You can see Marcus with the green shirt and Angela with a green shirt on. Lucas is wearing blue to the right of Angela. Not sure what Travis was doing at the time.
Here's many of the cousins doing one of the many activities that Angela planned for them to do. Notice how only our two boys, Travis and Lucas, are the ones not looking.
The younger cousins liked to play together and the older ones played together. Marcus is riding a fire truck in this picture and Lucas is running in the middle of the frame.
On the last day our boys got really into collecting grasshoppers and putting them in a large plastic jar. Here's Travis with his latest victim. They must have caught 20-30 of them. Travis then took the jar to school to show his class and then they all died a day later.
Lucas got to ride a three wheeler with Grandpa one time and he enjoyed it.
And here's video of Brian with Marcus and Travis on a three wheeler ride.

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