Friday, September 30, 2011

Enjoying Our Kids

Our kids have been making us laugh and making us proud lately. Here's some highlights.

One morning before Travis went to school, he and Marcus got singing a Veggie Tales song called "Keep Walking". It's about the Israelites when they marched around the walls of Jericho to make them fall down. The song is supposedly what the Jericho guards might have sang to the Israelites to taunt them. Marcus loves this song. Then the next song they sing is Scripture Power, which is Marcus' favorite. He likes to sing "Scripture Power, Win!" Here's a video of their songs.

One Saturday morning, Travis woke up and came downstairs and just decided to start doing chores. He emptied the dishwasher and then started cleaning the bathroom. Travis later told us that he felt the spirit tell him to do his chores.
A couple weeks ago Lucas had a lucky opportunity to score a goal in his soccer game. The ball just happened to pop out in his direction right in front of the goal and he scored. The next week, something really changed in him and he has become an aggressive player. He scored TWO goals in his next game. We couldn't believe it! We happened to get video of the very ending of the 2nd goal. He had dribbled it all the way to the goal on his own and scored both times. I love the great display of sportsmanship by the girl on the other team. You can tell from the video below that Lucas' parents were quite excited about Lucas' goals.

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