Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Travis' Sports

Travis wanted to play baseball again this year. Here's Travis playing 3rd base waiting for the game to start. He mostly enjoyed playing catcher so he could wear his helmet.
A swing and a miss. Love the effort shown on his face! Just a bit early on the swing.
Marcus wanted to try on Travis' helmet we picked up at a garage sale.
Here's Travis' team and two coaches. Travis is in front of the coach wearing blue (who is a friend from our days in Pennsylvania, Modoc was on Travis' team).
Not sure if Travis had more luck with this pitch or not but it sure looks like he has his eye on the ball.
Here's a pitch in the air from the coach.
Perhaps the best part of watching baseball at this age is the base running. They have no concept of base lines and the rules surrounding them. It's always entertaining to see the cat and mouse chase that ensues for plays at home plate. Travis didn't evade the catcher this time.
Here's Travis on 1st base at his last game. He led off the inning and went on to score in this inning.
Here's his speedy base running.
Travis also ran track after school two days a week. At the end of the year they had a meet and this video is of Travis doing the long jump. Looks like he got a favorable recorded mark.

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