Sunday, May 15, 2011

Travis' 7th Birthday

Our little Travis had his golden birthday on May 7th (turned 7 on the 7th). We decided that we'd start doing friend parties only on even birthdays from here on out, which idea we adopted from one of Brian's sisters. Travis had a fun filled day. Here he is waiting in anticipation before opening his gifts.
Here's Travis with his brownies and cinnamon rolls for a cake. He doesn't like cake so he wanted brownies. But while he and Brian were at Costco they couldn't resist buying one of our favorite things there, the mini cinnamon rolls (they're to die for after they've been warmed up for 10 seconds). You gotta love Lucas' expression in this shot.
Brian took Travis to Nickel City for his birthday in the afternoon. You pay an admission fee and then play arcade games for a nickel a piece.

Here was the first game we played to try to get some tickets. The first nickel we put in got us lucky enough to win the 100 ticket jackpot which we won again 5 nickels later! We only got a total of 250 tickets or so, so this machine was nice. One of the last games we played was air hockey. Travis beat Brian and here's some video of the end of the game.

1 comment:

Mary said...

I love his victory dance/jump, but even more, I love the cinnamon roll layer "cake". Looks like he didn't miss out on any fun by not having friends involved.