Sunday, May 15, 2011

Recent "Highlights"

We thought it best to get back up to date on our blog through a series of random "highlights" over the past two months. This was a cute photo of Travis and Lucas after they had posted their American flag pole on a dirt mound behind our house. Looks like they just summitted Everest! Click on the photo to see their expressions better.
Lucas had a good time doing his first real sport, gymnastics. The day he got the medal provides a long and funny story, ask Angela sometime.
Here's Marcus about to go skiing.
Here's the boys enjoying their Easter helmets, err, buckets.
Easter bunny pancakes with chocolate chips (try chocolate chips in pancakes with syrup sometime, very yummy).
Here's one of our boys favorite things to do, make fruit shakes with Brian. Sometimes they use our orange juicer first and they love to put the orange slices in and press them down.
We have a duck that regularly visits our front yard at about 11-12 am every day. We often go out to feed her some bread. We assume she has eggs somewhere in the neighborhood. Marcus likes to chase her around, yelling "duck, duck, duck!"
One day we found our three rascals making mud in the front yard and wearing it too. Here's Travis who knows he's in trouble but is enjoying the moment.
Lucas also knows he's in trouble and also realizes this photo will forever serve as evidence of this bad deed.
Marcus has no clue as to whether he's in trouble. He's just enjoying getting muddy like his brothers.
No words necessary here.
Needless to say Angela was not happy at seeing this sight (below). Brian kept his cool long enough to get photos of this event.
Lucas went to a birthday party recently and was our first kid ever to get their face painted. This is just a hilarious expression from Lucas, kinda freaky at the same time.
Here's Marcus looking cool in his shades. Travis played in his first coach pitch baseball game this past Saturday. He got a hit in his first at bat. Brian actually pitched the game for Travis' team since the coaches liked Brian's pitching during warm ups. Apparently Travis swung just a bit too early here.

1 comment:

Mary said...

Oh no. Was Travis wearing his school uniform for the glorious mud dig?

Can't wait to hear the awards ceremony story.