Sunday, January 9, 2011

Thanksgiving 2010 in Arizona

We traveled down to Arizona to visit Brian's sister Stacy's house for Thanksgiving. Aunt Marci rode in the car with us too. Brian's parents also joined us. We missed Lisa's family there for sure. We enjoyed some swimming in late November, lots of shopping, and enjoying family for the wonderful dinner. Here's Brian and his boys enjoying the pool.
On our way back home we drove the Las Vegas route to avoid the more snowy roads. We got to cross the fairly new Hoover Dam Bridge. It's quite the bridge. We stopped and hiked up to walk on the bridge and see the huge dam far below. Here we are up on the windy bridge.
Finally here's a swimming video from while we were down there. Travis has really started to swim well. Lucas stayed to the sides of the pool but apparently made Grandma Carla a little nervous.

1 comment:

Wendy said...

You came to AZ and missed us....

Looks like you had a great time with family!