Sunday, January 9, 2011

BYU Homecoming

Brian's oldest sister Stacy and her family came to Provo for the BYU Homecoming weekend and Brian's parents also came from California for it too. Here's our family sporting our BYU Football t-shirts (they don't make them in Marcus' size).
Brian and Travis actually got to be in the Homecoming Parade on the Saturday morning. The Acoustics Group at BYU made a float to celebrate the 50th year anniversary of acoustics research being conducted at BYU with student involvement (Harvey Fletcher was the first to mentor students in acoustics research at BYU). Here's Lucas, Travis, and Brian in front of the acoustics float after the parade (the float won the Best Homecoming Theme Award). Travis and Brian rode a scooter and a bicycle behind the float and passed out candy.
Stacy's family, Brian's parents, Brian's sister Marci, and Brian and Travis then went to the Homecoming Football game against San Diego St. Here's all of us at the end of the game with the field in the background. Along the top row from L to R is Vance, Carla, Marci, Brian, and Garrin. On the second row is Stacy, Wesley, Ashley, Travis, Audrey, and Jacoby.
After the game Travis and Wesley got a fun chance to have their photo taken with the BYU mascot Cosmo. Cosmo even took Travis' hat and wore it for the photo.
In this first video below you can see the acoustics float as it passed by the Anderson clan with Brian and Travis trailing behind it. Go BYU!

Later that evening Grandpa Vance was in a very silly mood. He was really entertaining all the grandkids as they tried to copy his every move. There's two videos of the fun that ensued.

1 comment:

Wendy said...

Since Homecoming was celebrating accoustics it makes sense that they would hopefully have the float win! It looks like you had a LOT of fun!