Thursday, April 8, 2010

Various Recent Photos

Here's little Marcus posing for the camera.
Here's aunt Marci with the boys. She watches them every Wed. for a couple hours.
Here's Lucas showing how much he is enjoying his chocolate candy.
Marcus is getting better at being content on the floor. He likes to get up on his hands and knees. He goes backwards fairly well but can't quite figure out how to go forward.
The boys were having fun playing soldier. Lucas looks quite vunerable here.
Now that's a scary soldier for ya huh! You wouldn't want to mess with this!
Here's Marcus up on his hands and knees.
Travis likes to get down on the floor and play with Marcus. You can see Marcus in the reflection in Travis' glasses.
Our boys like to watch Veggie Tales. Lucas is quite funny to watch when the theme song comes on in the beginning. Enjoy! (again family, you must see the website to watch)

1 comment:

Mary said...

Very cute!

You know, there has been a study that followed children who had watched Sesame Street, and it showed that they had a consistently higher (by about half a point) GPA than their fellow students. So...if Lucas grows up to be a vegan, now you know why. (Or maybe, he'll love vegetables so much that he'll be a strict carnivore so he doesn't harm his friends!)