Sunday, March 7, 2010

Fun at Jungle Jim's

Our family went to enjoy a half day at Jungle Jim's. It's an indoor place with carnival rides. Adults were free and we had a buy one get one free for Travis and Lucas. It was too good of a deal to pass up. Mom was a good sport and rode with the boys on some of the rides (Dad gets motion sick too easily). This one went around in a circle fast and then went backwards (the boys didn't start out squished up against Mom).
Travis and Lucas enjoyed this jeep jungle ride too, though it was a much slower pace.
By the time they flew in the airplanes, both of they were fighting over who got to fly the plane (this one allowed you to lift and lower the plane during the ride).
In the bumper cars, Travis took the wheel. He's a crazy driver, and we hope his skills improve by age 16.
This was the drinking fountain there (quite indimidating, almost reminds you of Brian's grandparent's tiger, only much larger).
Mom rode another spinning ride with Lucas (though they didn't spin much at Mom's request).
Here's a solo flight by Travis. Even Lucas flew solo a few times. They had a great time.
Dad mostly held Marcus who fell asleep for a good portion of our time there. Here's the three oldest boys pretending to drive the race cars (someday they'll realize there's an actual game if you put money in it).
Travis played a drop the crane and pick up candy game. He actually won a 50 ticket bundle and he was pretty proud of himself. Lucas was upset that he didn't get a turn (though don't worry, he had the next turn).

1 comment:

Pam Williams said...

This looks like fun. We will have grandkids here the first week in August - tell me all the places you take your kids to entertain them. We know ours like Chuck E. Cheese, but my tolerance level for that is once every five years. We're moving on.