Sunday, January 3, 2010

Snow Sledding

Our family went snow sledding this past Saturday at a local park. Travis had a great time. It surprised us about how brave and tough he was. In his first run he took a bit of a spill but still enjoyed it. His second run he got going really fast and unfortunately Brian was still at the top of the hill and Angela didn't think to stop him since she was videoing it (this is the first video clip). Travis ended up somehow going right between a grouping of trees without hitting them (it was the narrowest path possible through the trees) and then his sled went out into the parking lot and a truck driving up luckily saw him in plently of time. He enjoyed it but it gave Mom and Dad quite a scare. There were some other dads nearby that jumped into action to run after Travis and ensure his safety (thankfully). After that scare we moved to a different part of the park that gave much more room to stop in the clear wide open. (a reminder to family that videos cannot be watched through email and you have to visit our blog to watch them)

This second video is of Lucas doing a solo sled run. He was quite brave himself! Don't worry after he sled down Brian finished the video and ran down to him. He enjoyed it.

This last video is of Travis going off of a jump (not sure if he planned that or not). Again he really enjoyed it. We he started to turn towards Brian, Brian had to make sure to grab Lucas and be ready to jump out of the way.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As it is curious.. :)