Saturday, December 12, 2009

Santa's Helicopter Landing

On Black Friday, the day after Thanksgiving, we went to University Mall to see Santa fly in on a helicopter. It was very exciting for the kids and blew off Brian's hat!
Travis was a bit nervous about all the wind as it landed.
Here's Lucas, Brian and Travis as we waited for Santa to appear.
Santa got out and walked around the perimeter to greet the children.
Then, the best part of all, Travis brought an envelope with him with his Christmas list inside. He thought that since we'd see Santa that he could give him his envelope. Well we told him we weren't sure if he'd have a chance to do so. Well as Santa came around, Brian took video and Travis had his chance... Watch the video below to see.

1 comment:

Mary said...

Great video. I love the look on Travis' face after Santa took his letter.