Thursday, August 20, 2009

Portland Vacation for Shawn's Wedding

Ready for a lot of photos? Well here it goes. As stated in a previous blog post, we visited Porland, OR for Angela's brother Shawn and his new wife Marci's wedding (yes Brian has a sister named Marci and a sister in law named Marci, he also has an uncle named Shawn and a brother in law named Shawn, but let's make it clear that they're not the same people, in case you were worried). So here's Travis and Lucas playing with their cousins in their Grandparents spa. You gotta love the turtle goggles on Travis! And no, the spa wasn't making all that splashing, it was the kids.
Here's baby cousin Spencer meeting baby Marcus as they had no choice but to lay next to each other while Brian took their photo, they decided to look each other over and arm wrestle. Marcus is a bit smaller don't you think?
Here was probably the room where the boys spent most of their time. Of the Pippin grandkids, there's 12 boys (11 living) and 2 girls. From L to R it's Lucas, Eric, Christopher, Preston, Carson, and Ryan. It was quite the daily chore to clean up after them as you can imagine.
Here's a cute photo of Marcus and Lucas. Marcus appears to be smiling for the camera. I believe he's being held by his aunt Heather (that looks like a Heather T-shirt).
Here's a photo from the ones taken outside the temple after the wedding. This was half the people in the photo, showing mostly just the Pippin family. The kids weren't originally indended to be in this photo, hence their casual clothes. I'm not even going to attempt to name everyone here, though it was all of Angela's family from her parents on down (29 people in all).
Here's a shot of Angela and Marcus watching the photos being taken. To the left is a family friend holding cousin Spencer. To the right is Angela's sister Heather.
Here's mom and baby again later on at the wedding dinner. Marcus appears to be trying to get his mom's attention, but to no avail.
Here was a cute shot at the reception the next day of the Pippin grandparents with their grandkids. From L to R it's Ryan, Carson (upper), Lucas (lower), Hunter, Marcus, Jack, Eric, J.V. (upper), Preston (lower), Isabel, Diane, Spencer, Abby, Travis, and Christopher.
Later on at the reception many of the cousins played ring around the rosies. Travis loves this game.
Here's why Travis loves it, he's the instigator of the dog pile that insues afterwards. Not to be left out is Lucas on top of the pile. It takes all of these boys to keep their oldest cousin J.V. down as he's a hard one to tackle.
We also got to head out to the Oregon coast one morning to tour a lighthouse. Here's Travis and Lucas thoroughly enjoying a scenic view of the Pacific Ocean.
We did a short hike to the "Octopus Tree".
Here's a shot of Brian and Lucas watching the penguins from a scenic view point.
Here's a nice family shot with the ocean in the background. You may be seeing this photo later this year as our Christmas letter photo.
Here we are at the lighthouse.
Angela stayed outside to take photos of us when we got up in the lighthouse. You can see Brian, Lucas, and Travis better if you click on the photo.
Uncle Jason then found a bannana slug on the way back to the cars. The kids were amazed at this ugly slow thing. However, Brian decided that this slug was too cute not to kiss.
No, Brian didn't actually kiss it for fear that Angela would never kiss him again.

After church on the Sunday that we left Portland, Grandpa and many of the grandkids shared a couch to watch some cartoons. They had a long event filled weekend.
When we crossed the state line back into Utah, we stopped to take a family photo. We now have a photo of Mom, Dad, and Travis with a welcome to Pennsylvania sign when we lived there, a Mom, Dad, Travis, and Lucas photo with Welcome to New Mexico when we lived there, and now this one (three kids born in three different states). We propped the camera on our van and had to use a wipes package to hold it just right.


Mary said...

That is a LOT of grandsons! What is the age range for the grandchildren? They all look to be within only a few years of each other.

I like your idea of family photos by state signs. We just keep moving around Utah, so we take pictures by each house when we move. Yours is a good way to measure your family's growth and travel around the country.

Marcie said...

What a fun reunion! I can't believe all the traveling you did with a newborn. My favorite picture is the one of all the grandkids with the grandparents. Too sweet. What a beautiful family. I can't believe all those boys! Glad everything went well.
Oh, and that would have been funny if I married a Shawn. :)