Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Pioneer Day Fireworks

We celebrated Pioneer Day, July 24th, by doing some fireworks at a local park. Brian is always looking for excuses to set off fireworks. He's even trying to have a student measure the sound levels of them for a research project. Anyway, we went to the park along with Marci and her boyfriend Butch. It was quite windy that day as you can tell in some of the photos. Here's Marci, Lucas and Travis watching one. Lucas is holding his ears (he always thinks things are too loud).
Here's a different perspective photo of a firework. It's cool to see all the sparks thrown. Marcus didn't enjoy the show as much as everyone else, it was too loud for him too.
The boys then enjoyed doing some sparklers.
The park had this cool pond and the kids were enjoying the water (as all boys seem to be programmed to enjoy).

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