Monday, August 3, 2009

Funny Recent Comments

Lucas has been very interested in baby Marcus. He likes to watch Marcus whenever he can. He wants to hold him and carry him. Well the other day Lucas was watching Mom helping Marcus to get his bubbles out (berp) after a feeding by patting Marcus on his back. Lucas then says "Mom, I want to hit baby Marcus too!"

Today Mom put Marcus down to sleep up in Mom and Dad's bedroom (upstairs). Then she went out in the garage to get some food out of our fridge. When she came back in she was reading the instructions on a package and then looked up to see Lucas holding baby Marcus (downstairs). Travis had been at the kitchen table the whole time. Apparently Lucas heard Marcus crying and went and got him for Angela. Lucas said "Mom I a big helper! I hold Marcus the right way! I hold him with a hand behind his neck." Mom then said "Lucas who picks up and carries Marcus?" Lucas then responded "I do!" Angela then said "no, only Dad and Mom." Lucas responded "but Dad's at work." Travis then piped up and said "Mom, he's just trying to help you!" It was a scarry situation for Angela, but moments and conversations like this just have to make you laugh (maybe just after the fact and after Marcus is back safe in your arms). To Lucas' credit, Marcus was not crying and it did appear that Lucas did a great job, though we don't exactly want to take that chance again.

The other night Travis was saying his nighly prayers and he says "Please bless us that we not go to heaven." How do you not laugh at that one? I think he must be worried about going there by himself and losing out on enjoying all the things in his life right now. We've been trying to tell him that that's where his great grandmother Ellen went was to heaven and that it's a wonderful place. Travis also prays every night that "Please bless us so we can go to a race car show." He's referring to some remote control race car events we saw while we lived in New Mexico, he must miss them.

1 comment:

Wendi said...

Whoa, that's a little bit scary that Lucas was carrying Marcus around! But babies are tough. I remember some friends we had in Wymount, her little boy who was about 3 picked up her newborn by the head and carried him to her that way. He was so proud of himself too "Mom! I'm helping carry baby!"