Thursday, February 19, 2009

President's Day Visitors and DDR

We had some visitors come to our house to stay with us over President's Day weekend. Angela's sister Heather and her sister Amber came down from Idaho with Amber's baby daughter Isabel. It was fun to have them here. Angela enjoyed shopping with them and watching movies.
The boys also enjoyed having new people to show off to. Aunt Heather has a Wii and she brought Dance Dance Revolution (DDR) with her. Our boys wanted to join in on the fun too. Here's a couple photos of them playing (or pretending to play). Thanks Amber and Heather for coming, we enjoyed having you both.


Diane said...

I miss seeing you and your family. I loved it when we were in the same ward. You and Lori were tight as can be. Her blog is on my blog. It is Brycen and Lori :)
She would LOVE to hear from you.

FUN pictures by the way :)

and I think you are having a girl :)

Mariel said...

I wish I could get my kids to DDR with me! Love that thing!