Saturday, October 18, 2008

Texas State Fair

We then went to visit Brian sister Lisa's family in Frisco Texas. The first day there, Angela and Lisa got their hair cut. Angela got some highlights and she now has bangs for the first time since middle school. She looks really good! We'll try to get a good photo of her up on this blog soon. Back to the state fair... our boys enjoyed themselves.

You might be wondering how these two got so wet... well watch this video. There is also some video of the pig races.

Then the boys had to share their wetness with Dad.
Here's Lucas enjoying a pineapple ice cream cone.

Here's our family in front of the famous Big Tex near the Cotton Bowl.

We also got to feed a bunch of different animals, including a giraffe. Here's Travis feeding a goat.

This photo is just too funny. You couldn't guess from this photo that Travis was having a good time but he did. From L to R it's Lucas, Natalya, Travis and Jasmine.

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