Sunday, April 6, 2014

Bandelier Trip with the Hoerlers

 Angela's sister Adrienne and her kids came down from Colorado to visit for their spring break.  We decided to spent a day at Bandelier.  Here's most of the crew at one of the kivas.

Here's the boys and their cousins in one of the houses at the top of a ladder.  You have to do a bit of looking to find Travis' head.

Travis insisted on wearing his cool army vest for the hike to carry all his cool gadgets.

Here's Brian and Amanda (the youngest Hoerler).  She and Marcus required a bit of assistance for this hike.

Along the trail between houses...

Another tight stretch.

Here's one of the bigger houses that you could stand up in.  From L to R it's Amanda, Abby, Eric, Travis, Marcus, Christopher, and Lucas.

 Here's all the kids on 1 ladder in birth order.  From top to bottom it's Abby, Travis, Christopher, Lucas, Eric, Marcus, and Amanda.

Brian took all the kids except Amanda up the 4 tall ladders which proved to be somewhat scary but plenty safe accomplishment experience.

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