Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Pumpkin Carving

Boston Red Sox jackolantern. This is their logo with a baseball in the middle with a pair of socks. This took quite some time to cut out!
Here's the actual logo.
Both of our pumpkins we carved for Family Home Evening.


Christine said...

Hey Brian - I think you earn "the best dad" award! You are such a fun and hands-on dad! Way to be Brian! And you are good at pumpking carving too! What a guy!

Did you catch the mouse? Yikes!

Are you trying to talk Stacy and Garrin in joining the blogging world?

brian_angela said...

Thanks Christine.

I have told Stacy that I'm going to help her start one the next time I see her. I'll be at her house next week and I'll see her again for Christmas so I'll get her going soon and have a link from my website.