I thought I'd post some photos from a recent geocaching adventure we did that is typical of our geocaching outings.

The hole in the rock just above Travis' head is where this cache was. It was a small Tupperware container with a few toys in it. Travis traded a hot wheels car for a wrist watch he liked.

Here's how Lucas geocaches (see the GPS unit in the pocket next to his back). Lucas just enjoys being outside.

Here's Travis making the difficult decision of which new toy he wants from this cache. On this adventure he decided that he needed to wear a backpack. What were the contents in his backpack? His blanket (of course), a harmonica, a toliet paper roll, a water bottle, and a flashlight. He kept talking about a lake and catching some fish and sleeping in a tent (what can we say our boys love being outside).

HOW FUN!! I would love to do that. I bet Travis had a BLAST! What little boy his age wouldn't?
Hey Brian - I remember when Devin used to take our 2 boys and go geocaching - they loved it! You look like a happy and fun father! Do you think Stacey will start a blog?
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